Thursday, September 24, 2015

Week 1: Introductions

Originally, I had begun this journal in a physical notebook, however, I thought the blog format would be much more stimulating and enjoyable to read. Now, I am going to reiterate what I'd originally written. I'm pretty happy to do so anyway... I may have made a few mistakes.

Welcome to my Reading and Viewing Journal! Before I get into my thoughts about the content of this course, I would like to get better acquainted. The brief introduction each of us gave on the first day of class wasn't really enough. I found, at least. My name is Felicia Mae Grant, I am a fourth year Art History student and avid lover of fiction. I am a very creative, visual person and I like any medium that encompasses this. As far as films, I don't have a specific genre that I stick to. I have a very open mind and broad interests. My favorite movie would have to be Labyrinth (1986) by Jim Henson, starring Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie.

 I hope I can bring that into the course somehow later. I've seen it over a hundred times and I feel I could probably do some justice with it. In terms of watching things, I find lately I've been gravitating to episodic stories. I notice there's a meshing of television and movies, or a new method of creating television shows. They tend to be more cinematic, and while trying to recall the last movie that I watched, I realized this.

So far, I haven't bought the textbook because of the price which is out of my budget. I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with that, I may get an older edition. I tried my best to find alternatives and am still working on it. At the moment, I'm more focused on the provided readings and the films. Along with my thoughts, I will also include notes and different things that I'm learning along the way so I can keep an archive, of sort. I hope my entries will not be boring. I hope my non-academic commentary and writing style which is allowed in this context, will be amusing or interesting to read. I know you have to read through dozens of these! I will be including other media in my journals, as well.

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